No-Dig Gardening in the Times

One of my students from the Gardenerd Organic Gardening Series sent me this article that appeared in the LA Times last Thursday.  It thought I would share it with you here.  It's a great story with how-to instructions for building no-dig soil and raised beds (without borders).  There is also information about a farm exchange program where you can learn a lot by volunteering on a farm.

Thanks, Ramon, for sending this nice tidbit!

Hey folks, you can get the books mentioned in the article by clicking on the links below:


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Gardening at Night

Warning: This blog entry is a pure, unadulterated display of Gardenerdiness. 

Tonight I satisfied a desire I've had for years - to garden in the dark, after the sun has completely set.  It's a desire I've never been able to indulge in because my gardening space, the community garden, closes at sunset.  Now that I am a homeowner, the world is my oyster, so to speak, as far as living out my nighttime gardening fantasies.  Now, I'm not talking about gardening outside where it's well-lit.  I'm talking about piercing the night's dark shroud with good old fashioned geek gear - a head ...

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