In this issue:
- November in the Garden – Grateful Gardens
- YouTube: Best Tips for Setting Rat Traps
- Gardenerd Tip of the Month: Last Minute Thanksgiving Ideas
- Gardenerd Product of the Month: Spanish language Garden Variety
1. November in the Garden – Grateful Gardens
Every moment that I get to spend in my garden brings me one step closer to calm. This time of year, there is a rush to get cool-season crops planted before the holidays. Even though it’s a rush, there’s something calming and satisfying to know that we’ve finally planted the seeds, and transplanted seedlings into their homes for the fall/winter season. I am grateful for this feeling and everything else the garden brings.
This month in the Test Garden, we’ve transplanted brassicas, celeriac, and green onions out to their raised beds. We finished planting seeds for Swiss chard, carrots, spinach, beets, radishes, turnips, parsnips, and sweet peas. These beds are covered with floating row cover to keep them safe from birds, cats, and rats. Next up, we’ll plant seeds for shelling pea cover crops in the bed where tomatoes will go next year. That has been a key to success for us here at Gardenerd HQ. If your ground isn’t frozen over yet, plant bulbs this Thanksgiving weekend. It’s a tradition around here!
In this newsletter, you’ll find our latest video with our best tips for managing rats. And check out our last minute Thanksgiving ideas to make your meal stand out. Don’t forget to support small businesses like ours on Small Business Saturday. Visit our store for autographed copies of books for the gardenerds in your life.
Happy gardening,

2. YouTube: Best Tips for Setting Rat Traps in the Garden

Our latest YouTube video shares our best tips for catching rats. Use these strategies to keep your garden safe this fall and winter.
YouTube: Best Tips for Setting Rat Traps in the Garden
3. Gardenerd Tip of the Month – Last Minute Thanksgiving Ideas

Looking for a few menu ideas for your Thanksgiving table? Here are some of our favorites. We try to feature produce from the garden, but even if your garden is shut down for winter, these recipes aim to please.
Thanksgiving Dishes From the Garden
4. Gardenerd Product of the Month – Spanish language Garden Variety – Mi Huerto, Mi Vida

Do you speak Spanish or know fellow gardenerds who do? Give them a copy of Garden Variety that is now available in Spanish for the Spain audience. Mi Huerto, Mi Vida is available through Amazon in digital format worldwide, and in paperback in some countries (including the US). We make a few cents if you use the link above.
Give the gift of knowledge this holiday season! Buy autographed copies Garden Variety, 2020’s Gardening for Geeks, and 2021’s Grow Your own Mini Fruit Garden for your favorite gardenerd.
Stay tuned for more tips and tidbits from Gardenerd.com. Grow a grateful garden this season, and happy holidays!

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