In this issue:

  1. November in the Garden
  2. How to Make Local Carob Powder
  3. Gardenerd Tip of the Month: Minnie and Moon
  4. Gardenerd Product of the Month: Gardening for Geeks Book


1. November in the Garden

It’s hard to believe Thanksgiving is next week. It really is the holiday for gardeners and cooks. It’s a chance to showcase the abundance from the garden, share the bounty with friends and family, and be thankful for all that we have. The entire Thanksgiving meal is built around what’s in season, or what has been preserved from summers past. It is a testament to the wonderful sustenance that comes from the earth.

While parts of the country has become inhospitable for gardening, here in the south we’re harvesting kale and our first lettuces. For those in warm-winter climates, there’s still time to plant cool weather crops like broccoli, root veggies and winter wheat. For the rest of you, batten down the hatches with insulating mulches, put those tools away (clean them first) and wait for seed catalogs to arrive. We got our first one in the mail last week! It won’t be long before spring is back.

Thanksgiving offers us the chance to thank you, fellow gardenerds, for being in the Gardenerd community. We appreciate your input and hope you  have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We’ll be taking next week off, but we’ll be back in December for more holiday fun.

Happy Gardening,


Small squash makes a great centerpiece
Small squash makes a great centerpiece

2. How to Make Local Carob Powder

Whether you are dining out for Thanksgiving or making a big feast at home, now is the time to incorporate autumn’s bounty into the meal. Carob is a fall crop you can use this Thanksgiving to keep things interesting. If you live in a Mediterranean climate, it’s local, too!

Find out how to make your own here.

Search Gardenerd’s extensive database to find other great holiday recipes like Root Vegetable Delight, Pumpkin Bread, the I Love Veggies Bake, Northern Spy Kale Salad, and Sweet Potato & Kale Frittata and so much more!

Minnie and Moon is offering gardenerds a deal!
Minnie and Moon is offering gardenerds a deal!

3. Gardenerd Tip of the Month – Minnie and Moon

We met Emma Kelly at the Heirloom Expo several years back, while she was distributing Clarington Forge tools in the U.S. Now Emma has ventured out to start her own business, Minnie and Moon. Named for her two grandmothers, Emma has captured everything that’s good about gardening into Minnie and Moon’s product line of fine British tools and accessories.

Minnie and Moon offers wooden dibbers, quality twine, household scoops, harvesting equipment and more. Check out her new site for holiday gifts (and a little something for yourself). Emma has graciously given Gardenerd readers a special discount code, good now through the end of 2014. Simply enter “Gardenerd” at checkout and get 10% off.

4. Gardenerd Product of the Month – Gardening for Geeks Book

The country is seeing an influx of new gardeners, each wanting to grow some of their own food. If you know one of these enthusiastic new gardenerds on your holiday gift list, we have the perfect gift for them! Gardening for Geeks was rated “one of the best gardening books of 2013” when it hit the shelves last year. Pick up a copy for all your gardening friends.

Gardening for Geeks


Stay tuned for more tips and tidbits from Happy Thanksgiving, and happy fall gardening!

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