In this issue:
- August in the Garden
- Harvesting Sage
- Gardenerd Tip of the Month: Ants on My Blackberries & Citrus
- Gardenerd Product of the Month: Gardening for Geeks
1. August in the Garden
The Dog Days are over. It’s back-to-school time for most kids, which means it’s also time to plan and plant fall crops. Summer is coming to a close, but the garden goes on for many of us. As the weather cools, we’re shifting focus to fall crops and cleaning up what summer has left behind. What will you grow this fall?
We’ve started seeds for broccoli, cabbage, kale, kohlrabi and bok choy this week, and because of the heat, some of them sprouted in just 2 days! All this took place after we planned the fall garden on paper. If you need help with that, we have classes to guide you along (see below). Meanwhile, our runner beans are sending out beautiful flowers and tiny pods. Our watermelons are growing, still tiny, but we’re hopeful that we’ll be enjoying them soon. We’re also battling Bagrada bugs. They breed quickly in hot weather, so we’re pulling mustard-family crops (which they feed on) and going after them with buckets of soapy water. Knock the bugs into one bucket, then drop them into the soapy water bucket. It keeps the numbers (and our panic!) down.
I hope you’ll join us for one of our fall classes, like our Composting Workshop this Saturday, or any of our Fall Garden Planning Workshops coming soon. Gardenerd is here to help you grow food successfully, and fall is a great time to start!
Happy Gardening,
2. Harvesting Sage
If you can get culinary sage to live at least a year, you can enjoy the harvest of these savory leaves any time thereafter. Learn the best tricks and tips here:
3. Gardenerd Tip of the Month – Ants on my Blackberries and Citrus
Garden pests can really get you down. We answer a common question in Ask Gardenerd: what to do about ants on my blackberries and lemon tree. Find the answer in our latest Tip of the Week Podcast:
Ants on my Blackberries and Citrus
4. Gardenerd Product of the Month – Gardening for Geeks
It’s time for fall gardens, and Gardening for Geeks walks you through the process, from choosing the right spot to building your garden beds, to planning and planting your seedlings. Find answers to your burning gardening questions in time for the fall growing season.