In this issue:
- April in the Garden
- YouTube: Super Bloom Field Trip
- Gardenerd Tip of the Month: Leggy Sprouts?
- Gardenerd Product of the Month: Online Pest Control Course
1. April in the Garden – Earth Month Every Month
By now there are very few people that require an explanation for climate change. The truth is we need to make big changes, and time is running out to make them. Many have moved on to adaptability. What can we do to adapt to the inevitable changes we are now living? So much. As always, share our favorite tips each Earth Day. You’ll find those here.
This month in the Test Garden, we’re pulling old pea plants to make room for cucumbers and beans. We’ve planted basil, and more lettuces to get the warm-season going. We’re harvesting older lettuces, carrots, parsnips, spinach, beets, Swiss chard, shelling peas, and the last of the cabbages. I know some of you are just planting those things (cold-winter climates, I’m talking to you), but us warm-winter folks are planting out tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, beans, corn and squash this month. Exciting times all around!
In this newsletter, you’ll find our latest YouTube video about a field trip to a Super Bloom. And we offer advice to a gardener with leggy sprouts. Gardening is one of the best ways to combat our carbon footprint. Let’s make Earth Month Every Month by growing together!
Happy gardening,

2. YouTube: Super Bloom Field Trip

Our latest YouTube video takes you on a quick trip to a Super Bloom. See what’s growing out there besides poppies.
YouTube: Super Bloom Field Trip
3. Gardenerd Tip of the Month – Got Leggy Seedlings?

Got leggy seedlings? What is “leggy” anyway? What can you do about it? We answers all those questions and more in this week’s Ask Gardenerd.
Ask Gardenerd: What’s Wrong with My Cucumber Sprouts?
4. Gardenerd Product of the Month – Creating a Healthy Garden Pest Control Course

ICYMI – Our popular Creating a Healthy Garden online pest control course is now available on Teachable so you can join the course anytime. Last year, we launched this new course, but only offered it 3 times for a short period. Now you can get pest control help anytime you need it.
Learn pest control techniques and strategies from an expert. Build a better garden. Enjoy more from your garden this spring. All available now in Creating a Healthy Garden.
Oh, and…
Christy is working on the sequel to Garden Variety. If you haven’t read Garden Variety yet, it’s available in paperback, CD, and audiobook anywhere books are sold. Order from your favorite bookseller (and get autographed copies direct from Gardenerd), or organize a book signing event near you.
Order Your Autographed Copy Today!
We also have autographed copies of 2020’s Gardening for Geeks, and 2021’s Grow Your own Mini Fruit Garden.
Stay tuned for more tips and tidbits from Gardenerd.com. Enjoy Earth Month Every Month.

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