In this issue:
- March in the Garden
- Podcast: Cottage Foods with Lisa Kivirist
- Gardenerd Tip of the Month: Tomato Tips
- Gardenerd Product of the Month: Online Pest Control Course
1. March in the Garden – Spring Abundance
Spring is upon us (the equinox just arrived on March 20th), and the garden awaits our attention. With the abundance of rain in SoCal, we’re weeding like crazy! But the garden has benefited from the nitric acid-rich rain that we don’t mind so much. There’s a lot to do to ready beds for warm and hot season crops, so let’s get going.
This month in the Test Garden, we’re harvesting spinach, kale, cabbages, green onions, arugula, mustard greens, lettuces, shelling peas, and carrots. We’re bailing out soggy containers with clogged drainage holes, and pulling weeds as fast as we can. We’ve ordered seeds, and pulled spent brassica plants (winter-planted crops are full of aphids by now). It’s time to add soil & compost to beds that have lost more than an inch over last year. Soon we’ll have a superbloom at Gardenerd HQ. If you don’t have your own, check out the Theodore Payne Foundation Wildflower Hotline for weekly updates (Fridays) on where to see the blooms in Southern California.
In this newsletter, you’ll find our latest podcast about turning home-made goods from the garden into a business. And we’ve got tomato advice to help you get ready for the season. Here’s to spring abundance and all that is to come.
Happy gardening,

2. Podcast: Cottage Foods with Lisa Kivirist

In our latest podcast, Christy talks with Lisa Kivirist of Inn Serendipity Farm about home-based food entrepreneurship. Lisa shares her extensive experience and gives us insight and inspiration to move forward.
Podcast: Cottage Foods with Lisa Kivirist
3. Gardenerd Tip of the Month – Tomato Tips

Most gardenerds love to grow (or rather, to eat) tomatoes. The best tomatoes are those grown at home. Here are our best tomato tip videos to get you ready for tomato season. Check out our YouTube channel and subscribe for more videos to come!
Videos – Tomato Tips for YOU
4. Gardenerd Product of the Month – Creating a Healthy Garden Pest Control Course

We’re excited to announce that our popular Creating a Healthy Garden online pest control course is now available on Teachable so you can join the course anytime. Last year, we launched this new course, but only offered it 3 times for a short period. Now you can get pest control help anytime you need it.
Learn pest control techniques and strategies from an expert. Build a better garden. Enjoy more from your garden this spring. All available now in Creating a Healthy Garden.
Oh, and…
Christy is working on the sequel to Garden Variety. If you haven’t read Garden Variety yet, it’s available in paperback, CD, and audiobook anywhere books are sold. Order from your favorite bookseller (and get autographed copies direct from Gardenerd), or organize a book signing event near you.
Order Your Autographed Copy Today!
We also have autographed copies of 2020’s Gardening for Geeks, and 2021’s Grow Your own Mini Fruit Garden.
Stay tuned for more tips and tidbits from Gardenerd.com. Enjoy the spring abundance sure to come.

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