In this issue:
- January in the Garden
- Growing Peas
- Gardenerd Tip of the Month: Rose Pruning
- Gardenerd Product of the Month: Gardenerd Gift Certificate
1. January in the Garden
Even though much of country is blanketed with snow or experiencing freezing temperatures, it’s still the perfect time to start planning your spring garden. For gardeners in warmer climates, fall-planted gardens have been going strong all winter, and we’re wondering if the plants will peter out in time to plant this spring. Maybe, maybe not. I’ve had kale go on for over a year on occasion.
In our Test Garden, snow peas and sugar snap peas are blooming and setting fruit. We ate our first snow pea this morning (a little prematurely – not sweet yet). We’re making kale salads and using chard in stir fries. Our potatoes (planted late) are sending up foliage, and we can’t wait to harvest new potatoes in the near future. We started seeds for onions and sage, and planned out the spring garden. If you need help planning your garden, check out our latest blog post: Gardeners, Start Your Engines! And check out our upcoming classes for spring.
It won’t be long now before spring planting. Hang in there, and dream big! What new varieties will you plant this year? Share your plans below.
Happy Gardening,
2. Growing Peas
Peas are the ultimate garden snack, and whether you plant your peas in spring or in fall (like we do), the rewards are delicious. They love to grow in cool weather and offer a vertical focal point in your garden each year. Just give them something to grow up and you’ll enjoy them all season long.
Beginning and veteran gardeners alike can grow peas. Find out how we do it here:
3. Gardenerd Tip of the Month – Rose Pruning
January is traditionally the time to prune your rose bushes. Each year we post our quick guide to help you stay on track. We’ll be pulling out our pruners this week to give our roses the care they need. Here’s how:
Rose Pruning Tips (scroll to the bottom of the link for details)

4. Gardenerd Product of the Month – Gardenerd Gift Certificate
With Valentine’s Day coming up and spring garden planning underway, why not give the gift of knowledge to your sweetheart (or yourself)? The Gardenerd Gift Certificate can be used toward consultations (fret not if you live outside of LA/Orange County, Skype consultations are available), and classes held at the Gardenerd Test Garden. We can help get your garden in shape, guide you toward more sustainable planting methods and help you get the most out of your garden space.
Stay tuned for more tips and tidbits from Happy winter gardening!