Custom Biologicals: Custom GP

Custom GP – A Biological soil amendment and biofertilizer, by Custom Biologicals, containing 4 specific species of beneficial Trichoderma fungi. Custom GP is a soil probiotic, scientifically designed to help plants grow stronger, healthier roots and improve the overall condition of the soil. Custom GP can be used in organic farming and gardening. Custom GP is a liquid concentrate that helps reduce shipping costs and wasteful packaging. Custom GP is available in two convenient sizes:

  • 50ml size– treats 2.5 acres or 1 hectare.
  • 1 Liter Size – treats 50 acres or 20 hectares.

Custom GP is registered as a biological fungicide in Mexico and Canada to fight off powdery mildew. Contains Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma viride, Trichoderma koningii, and Trichoderma polysporum. These fungi solubilize phosphate, making it available to the plant, produce Phytohormones, mobilize available plant nutrients, and inoculate roots and soil.


Additional information

Custom GP Size

50ml size– treats 2.5 acres or 1 hectare, 1 Liter Size – treats 50 acres or 20 hectares