1-10-08 Starting Fresh in the New Year
In This Issue:
1. Catalogue Heaven
2. Organic Gardening Classes – Coming Soon!
3. Gardenerd Tip of the Month
4. Gardenerd Product of the Month
It’s that time of year, when the mailbox starts to fill up with seed catalogues of all kinds. It’s this simple act that triggers a myriad fantasies about my spring garden-to-be. Will I finally dedicate a spot in the garden for asparagus? Do I have room to plant enough strawberries so that when harvest time comes, I’m holding more than just a handful? Do I dare try some varieties that aren’t suited to my zone? At this point, all things are possible when gazing at the glossy pages of my favorite catalogues with their beautiful photos of healthy plants. After all, it’s a new year and the problems of last year’s garden no longer exist, right?
Either way, I think it is important to approach each growing season with the enthusiasm of a new gardener. The possibilities are endless, the world is your oyster! Let the call of the soil send you on a new adventure this year.
Here are a few of my favorites to get you started:
Seeds of Change – organic vegetable and flower seeds and seedlings
Peaceful Valley – Everything you need to grow just about anything
Territorial Seed Company – seeds and plants for everywhere you live
Bountiful Gardens – Ecology Action’s home base for seeds and classes
John Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds – Lots of heirlooms and open pollinated varieties.
Attention all Gardenerds! Are you a beginning to intermediate level gardener longing for a basic Organic Gardening 101 class? Maybe you are a veteran gardener who wants to brush up on organic gardening techniques? Well, look no further, the Gardenerd Organic Gardening Series is here!
Beginning in February, we will be holding Saturday classes in the Los Angeles area on the following topics:
The Basics 1 – Soil, Soil Amendments and Fertilizers: Learn how to build great soil using organic materials and mother nature. Know the difference between organic and conventional fertilizers. Get the scoop on the ecological benefits of organic gardening.
The Basics 2 – Small Space and Container Gardening: Explore Square Foot Gardening, Bio-Intensive and other methods for making the most of your small space. Learn tricks and tips for beautiful container gardens. Discover your options for water-saving irrigation in small spaces.
The Basics 3 – Seed Starting, Transplants and Heirlooms: Starting seeds at home opens a world of possibilities, learn how to nurse plants from seed to seedling. Know how to pick the best transplants at the nursery. Discover the benefits of growing with heirloom varieties.
The Basics 4 – Pruning, Tools and Tool Care: Know when to prune, how much to prune and what to prune it with. Learn how to keep your tools sharp and make them last for a lifetime.
Sound Interesting? Click here to get on the V.I.P. list for more information and details about class dates, times and cost. Be sure to let us know what you want to learn the most (especially if you don’t see it listed here).
3. GARDENERD TIP OF THE MONTH: Prune and plant roses now!
Now is the time to get out those gardening shears and but back those roses. It’s also a great time to buy bare root roses, trees and other plants. Most local nurseries will be stocked to the gills, but don’t wait too long or the selections will be slim.
If you need help pruning you existing roses, visit our newsletter archives and search for “pruning”. You’ll find complete instructions for how to properly prune your roses.
4. GARDENERD PRODUCT OF THE MONTH: Gardenerd Organic T-shirt
This month’s featured product is out top seller, the Gardenerd Organic T-Shirt. Do good for yourself and your planet with this 100% Organic Cotton T-shirt that’s made in America.
Stay tuned for more gardening tips and tidbits from the Gardenerd. Happy Winter Gardening!