In this issue:
- May in the Garden
- Celebrating 9000 Subscribers on YouTube
- Gardenerd Tip of the Month: Bees and Gardens with John Lyons
- Gardenerd Product of the Month: 400+ Tips for Organic Gardening Success (Perfect Mother’s Day gift!)
1. May in the Garden
May is for mothers. I’m not a mother, but I have 6 chickens, 1 cat, 50,000 bees and two gardens. I feel very motherly toward them all. Whether we have human children or not, we gardeners bond with our plants. We love and care for them each season through their life cycle. May is a celebration of this bond as spring moves into full swing.
In our test garden, our sweet corn has sprouted along with the second sowing of cucumbers. Our tomatoes are starting to flower and set fruit. We’re feeding weekly with kelp to help them along. We planted edamame, sunflowers, and melons this week. Next up: planting jicama, summer spinach, and watermelons. Our kamut is beginning to dry down, readying itself for harvest later this month.
We’ve used up most of our compost for bed prep this spring, so it’s time to make more. Join in our upcoming Composting Workshop on May 19th. Details and registration available here.
Happy Gardening,
2.Celebrating 9,000 Subscribers on YouTube

Thank you, gardenerds, for helping us reach 9,000 subscribers on the Gardenerd YouTube Channel this week. We’re excited to be able to help more gardeners out there on the interwebs, to share more knowledge, and to help people grow more delicious food!
Haven’t visited the Gardenerd YouTube channel? You’ll find helpful instructions and gardening tips in popular videos like these:
How to Prune Roses in 4 Easy Steps
Planting Potatoes in Pots – Part 1
Planting Potatoes in Pots – Part 2
And so much more! We’re planning new videos soon (as soon as planting season is over). If you have a request for a video topic, post a comment under any video on the Gardenerd Channel and we’ll add it to the list. We’re here to help you learn more.
3. Gardenerd Tip of the Month – Bees and Gardens with John Lyons

Our new Gardenerd Tip of the Week interview-format features John Lyons of the Woven Garden this week. He shares his tips for caring for bees in your garden, and as a beekeeper. Subscribe and learn his suggestions for the best pollinator-friendly plants when you listen in:
New Gardenerd Tip of the Week Podcast – with John Lyons of the Woven Garden
4. Gardenerd Product of the Month – 400+ Tips for Organic Gardening Success

Mother’s Day is Sunday, and if you havne’t gotten your mother a gift yet, may be humbly suggest 400+ Tips for Organic Gardening Success. It’s chock full of tips and tidbits for your favorite gardener, and best of all–it’s digital (AKA instant delivery) so if you forgot to shop early, there’s still time to get Mom a fresh gift for her garden, delivered straight to her Kindle, or iPad or desktop Kindle app. Get her a gift copy today!
Stay tuned for more tips and tidbits from Happy spring gardening!
Search our archives here.